2020 PC tablet and broadband scheme in Italy

The world in 21 century moving toward completely by shifting physical to virtual after the cov19 epidemic, reason is the very simple world has realized that if this sort any other layer will come in this world how we can survive, how we can prepare our self against those challenges. So the EU union organizes one survey about which country has completely shift and which country has less shift toward digitalizing their all institutional function." The Digital Agenda for Europe was complemented in 2016 by the Gigabit Society Communication, which defines connectivity objectives to be achieved by 2025" so therefore in 2020 pc and broadband 200 million euro voucher scheme in Italy approved by the union.

The educational bonus of up to 500 Euros:

Italian low-income citizens , foreigners, students teachers can buy Pcs , tablets, and internet up to 500 euros in the new national reforms plan to digitalize teaching. These are essentially three -years program that identifies priorities by grouping them into 3 macro-areas and 24 guideline 
macroeconomics and fiscal policy scale 
Structural and microeconomic reforms 
labor policy dynamics. 

Expected Date to launch this program 

According to an indication of the Ministery of economics, the program will start the third week of September that means actually to apply for this program will be 27 September, it will be two days before or late , it will up to other institution who may respond to organize and receive an application by administrative level.


The procedure and criteria of this scheme;

Italian Ministry of Economic Development indicates that they will provide a bonus in vouchers form. 500 euros (200 euros for high-speed internet and 300 euros to purchase a new tablet or pc or for the loan for use) to all those families with less than 20 thousand euros annual income. At the other hand , companies will get benefited and entitle 
500 euros for connectivity at least 30 Mbps
2000 euros for fiber connectivity 

How PC bonus Distribution will work 

we have mentioned above the due amount of voucher-based up to ISSE of application of family , ISEE means in Italian terminology annual gross household income of a family. The responder firstly treats that family application who may fall in 20000 annual income , after that EU commission will release of vouchers for families with ISEE between 20,000 and 50,000 begin. 



All native, Extra Eu citizens, student, and teacher must be prepared ISEE from (CAF offices ) if you are not familiar with the online the system or if you know you can simply apply online on the INPS website, in which they must have to declare about their annual.
income through their salaries slips and bank statements . As for an announcement and start of this program, the news will come at below these websites, you can daily go through.



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