Power Solve Remedy for all problems

We have seen in our life that is comprised of compassion, emotion, relationships, dignity, egos, myths .perception factors. Our routine life maybe deals with a bundle of conflicts each day, it could happen with a life partner, co-worker, boss, siblings, friends neighbors, relatives, So why it happened to us? Did we think about it? what is possible solution do we have in that context so that we can overcome upcoming conflicts and save our relationship, answer is "yes "we may use power solve, it is the only viable solution do we have to slove it.

what is mean by power solve

In easy terminology terms, we can say that how we use words of any language effectively. Any language is comprised of vital vocabulary structures. Each language has distinguished characters like synonymous, opposite, resemble words but we have to know how we can use this specifically strange situation. I have experience of three to five languages, when I go through in-depth I have seen that in each language particularly for the new learners it so difficult I must say impossible to use words in wisely manners. Even native speakers of any language sometimes forget to use appropriate words as per term and circumstances.

Within surveillance 

Frankly speaking, using appropriate words in strange situations is art & sequence which cannot learn through grammar books and any software, it will come through with the passage of time and situation. I first-time experiences of this dilemma when I was working in England - East London -Newbury with a client , when I deliver my work to the client, she said to me that thanks darling, perfect it's nice, She uses words in the mode of greetings, I precisely understood this because I was used to and familiar of English informal greeting style.

Now we can look another side picture once upon a time I was in Rome-Italy, there I m a client somewhere, I use the same greetings which someone gave to me, I thought I must give it to other, so I strive it to do and exactlly 

in their local language , she shocked and said in their local language "I soon none sua darling capito " I understood she is anger mood because I did not use appropriate words in this situation according to their culture.So I quickly manage the situation and elaborate her what is my mean by this, where I have done wrong, problem is every language set their informal words according to their mode of culture and people, it is not in that way which grammar of any language teach us.

Most Important things to understand  every language 

we learn that how formal structure works with words system but apart from that in each country language does not work only formally way except offices and corporate level when in term of daily routine life it speaks mostly informal way so that is the reason when we are learning any of language it is very important to understand its informal culture as well, which will come to you in daily routine life.

Words Power 

Words are junction of our personality trait, there is a lot of arguments widespread in our societies for instance"Action are always louder than words " some context it's true more specifically in  wisely manner.

 It can be vice versa of the same things. In reality, we do an exchange oral and emotional action daily basis, let me allow here for more generous term that our all-action is the distribution  of words, for instance, to do start any sort of action in our  routine life, what we may have required first thing ? "words " yes indeed we required a bunch of words to accomplish our actions.

How we can soft our action and reaction 

Words are most powerful and soft miracle instruments in this hybrid dynamic digitalis world. We can do profound influence other people action by using a soft bunch of words just use "please " I assure you if you want that somebody changes its action or you can say behave with you politically nevertheless you may wrong at that time, use this soft words you will see that its action which you expect will not happen, its magic of words.

If we want that other person will give you priority among other use some praising words like I know you are perfect, excellent, and no one (informal) use and see a difference no matter which language you speak.

If we want that somebody will deal with you inappropriate way just say "oh do this quickly, Are you slept, are you drunk, you did not do your breakfast today, amazingly vice versa will begin to happen with you no matter which country you are living.


In nutshell in our Digital global word, words are matter, no matter how long, strong, intelligent, sharp you are, if we are not able to consider these small changes in our consideration, we may or should be casualizing to apologize with other for our words selections.
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